Let me explain, as I recently did to a director of special education, why I will not apologize or back pedal for not meeting the student.
The IEP team must consider the professional recommendations of professionals who evaluate and make recommendations about a students education based on their area of expertise, such as a speech and language pathology, psychology, occupational therapy, psychiatry, etc.. As a special education advocate, I am not the professional who should have an opinion based on a field in which I am not an expert regarding their education program
While it's always a bonus for me to meet the student, I do not believe it is my role to be a member of the team who dictates intervention, programming or specific evaluations. However, I can certainly be that professional who guides the team toward the professionals who can.
I am the person on the team who is ever mindful of parents and students rights under the IDEA. And believe me, I have plenty to say about that!