Saturday, August 4, 2012

Commit Yourself to the Noble Struggle of Equal Rights

U.S. Capitol

On a recent vacation to Washington D.C. I was awestruck by how big all of the National Buildings are.  It's clear that our forefathers had big IDEAS for the future of our Country and wanted to make a big statement.

All the National Buildings are emblazoned with carvings of  inspiring guiding principals.  For a girl who loves her quotes, I was in my glory!

And then there are the Memorials.

I strolled upon this inspiring thought by Martin Luther King at the MLK Memorial:

"Make a career of Humanity.  Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights, you will make a greater person of yourself, a greater nation of your Country, and a finer world to live in."

While I am thankful for all of the inspiring guiding principals engraved throughout
D.C., this quote especially spoke to me.

I am committed to helping parents enforce their rights under the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act).  It isn't always easy.  But standing their at the MLK Memorial taking it all in filled me with pride in the hope we are able to feel living in this Country.

I hope there is a day when I do not have to help parents enforce the IDEA.  Wouldn't it be great for people to look back at MLK's quote one day and say, "can you believe there was a day when people had to struggle for equal rights?"

A girl can dream!  In the meanwhile, I am thankful that I play a small role in the struggle for equal rights by working with parents to enforce their rights under the IDEA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.